In a devastating tragedy, a fire outbreak at a boarding school in Kenya has claimed the lives of 18 students, with over 70 children still missing as authorities continue rescue efforts. The fire, which erupted in the early hours of the morning, rapidly engulfed the school’s dormitories, trapping many of the students inside.
Witnesses report that the blaze broke out while most of the students were asleep, and it spread too quickly for immediate evacuation. Rescue teams, along with local residents, managed to save several students from the inferno. However, the challenge has been immense due to the intensity of the fire and the structure of the dormitory.
Local authorities and emergency services have since been working tirelessly to control the situation and account for the missing children. The cause of the fire is yet to be determined, though investigations are already underway. Early speculation suggests an electrical fault could be to blame, but arson has not been ruled out.
Parents and guardians have been gathering at the scene, anxiously awaiting news of their children, with many expressing frustration over the lack of clarity and delays in the search and rescue operations. Trauma counseling services have been set up for families and survivors as the country reels from the incident.
Kenya’s President has expressed his deep sorrow over the tragedy, vowing that the government will launch a thorough investigation into the cause and provide all necessary support to the victims and their families.
This tragic fire marks one of the deadliest incidents in Kenya’s school system in recent years, raising urgent concerns over school safety and the need for stricter fire regulations in boarding facilities.
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